weisstechnik Academy

Know-how for your technology.

User Training Heat Technology

This training course for users and operators of heat engineering equipment and systems gives you more security in industrial heat engineering processes.​

​The training course provides you with information on legal topics and responsibilities, requirements for the installation room and the integration of a plant into automated processes.​

  • Legal framework for the use of thermal equipment and installations​
  • Silicone tempering and drying of flammable materials​
  • Operator responsibilities​
  • Construction, connections​
  • Basics of heating systems​
  • Savings potential & cost reduction through energy efficiency​
  • Efficient operation of ovens​
  • Microwave oven​
  • ndustry 4.0 / networking and process documentation​
  • Process optimisation & automation​
  • Product Safety​
  • Practical examples and hands-on training​


Beginners and advanced

1 day


Date request

Request an in-house seminar




6 - 15 participants

Including participation certificate

750,- € per participant (without VAT)

Incl. food and beverages during the event and an invitation to dinner